Java 11 Released
JDK 11 General-Availability Release–This is the big news of the week. Java 11 has been released. The main developer facing changes are local type inference for lambda parameters, the HTTP client moving out of the incubator and the ability to run a single source code program. Along with lots of little API improvements throughout the JDK.
JDK 11 Release Notes–Where would we be without official release notes. If dry, technical updates is your thing, Oracle has got you covered. For everyone else, I recommend Benjamin Winterberg or Simon Ritter's guides to the API changes.
An Example-driven Guide to Java 11–Benjamin Winterberg has an excellent guide to some of the new features in Java 11, with examples. It's so good that there's no point in me writing a guide, because he's covered pretty much everything worth saying.
Java 11 and IntelliJ IDEA–Trisha Gee, over at Jetbrains, explains IntelliJ's support for the new features in Java 11. If you're an IntelliJ user, I recommend giving the article at least a quick browse.
Java 11 features videos–The official Java YouTube account has created a playlist of six videos demonstrating some of the new features in Java 11.
90 New Features (and APIs) in JDK 11–Simon Ritter from Azul lists all the API changes in Java 11. Many of them aren't life changing, but they do make things just that little bit easier. My favourites are String.repeat()
and Predicate.not()
Oracle JDK Releases for Java 11 and Later–Oracle discusses the differences between the Oracle JDK and the OpenJDK build from Oracle. This is an important read for everyone looking to deploy on Java 11.
The future of Java and OpenJDK updates without Oracle support–Andrew Haley at Redhat announces that he intends to assume leadership of OpenJDK 8 and 11 once Oracle have moved on to Java 12. He's lead the community support of Java 6 and 7, so this is a continuation of that process. One of the important parts of this announcement is that he wants to see OpenJDK release official builds themselves once Oracle stops providing new builds. Whether that involves folding in AdoptOpenJDK or a brand new build effort from Redhat remains to be seen.
Installing OpenJDK 11 on Ubuntu 18.04 for real–If, like me, you were surprised to discover that the Ubuntu 18.04 openjdk-11-jdk package contains Java 10, Laszlo Csontos explains how to install the real Java 11 JVM while we wait for Ubuntu to release their official build.
R2DBC – Reactive Relational Database Connectivity–R2DBC was announced at SpringOne this week. It's one of several efforts to prove a fully asynchronous API for talking to SQL databases. It will make Spring's recent WebFlux reactive programming model more useful for applications using a SQL backend; currently only MongoDB is fully supported.
This Week in Spring – September 25th, 2018–Check out the Spring blog for your recent news in the Spring ecosystem.
What’s new in Spring Data Lovelace?–Spring has an article on the new features in the recently released release train for Spring Data. For me, I'm looking forward to the improved startup time for JPA repositories. If you're a Spring Boot user, you can expect all these goodies with next month's 5.1 release.
Spring Tools 4 GA released–The Spring project has announced the release of version 4 of their IDE plugins for Eclipse, Atom and Visual Studio Code. If you use one of these environments with Spring, this is a must for you.
Building a 22 Megabytes Microservice with Java, Javalin and GraalVM–Johannes Bruederl describes their experience with GraalVM to build a lightweight microservice. The future is looking very exciting for the microservice and Function As A Service space.
Native microservice in GraalVM–Roy van Rijn continues his articles about building microservices with GraalVM.
Other news
Get “Learn Java The Easy Way” for $1–The latest Humble Bundle includes Learn Java The Easy Way, so if you're new to Java, that might be a cheap way of learning the basics.
Free Java Production Support on Microsoft Azure and Azure Stack–Thanks to Azul, you can now deploy Java applications to Azure without additional support costs. Check out the DZone article, or Azul's press release for more information.
JavaFX links of the week, October 1–If JavaFX is your thing, Jonathan Giles has a number of news items from the last week.